The Pain Nurse Network is a member led organisation. The Pain Nurse Network is lead by the council, they are responsible for the daily running of the network. We also have newly established special interest groups who led on specific areas of interest in areas of pain management.
Pain Nurse Network Council
Charlotte Sear RN MSc NMP Chair / Trustee
Charlotte qualified as a registered adult nurse from Kings College London university in 2011. She started her career as a thoracic surgical nurse and specialised in pain management in 2015. She has experience in managing both acute and chronic pain and has completed specialist training to enhance her skill and knowledge.
Charlotte graduated from Cardiff University in 2018 with an MSc in Pain Management with merit. She has also completed the advanced history taking and non-medical prescribing modules at Oxford Brookes University. Charlotte has a specialist interest in acute post-operative pain management and the management of chronic pain following surgery.
Christina Gullberg RN MSc BSc Vice Chair
Christina Gullberg (MSc, BSc, RN) is a Senior Clinical Nurse Specialist in Pain Management at The Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospitals in London. Her background is cardiothoracic nursing which led to an interest in pain management.
Christina is the previous Secretary and now the current Vice Chair of the Pain Nurse Network.
I have a particular interest in pain management after cardiothoracic surgery and the use of transitional pathways to prevent persistent pain after surgery and treatment.
I have been fortunate enough over the years to be able to share my experiences and work presenting both nationally and internationally.
I am honoured to be taking on the role of Vice Chair alongside my colleague Charlotte Sear (Chair). I look forward to continuing to grow the Network and raise its profile both nationally and internationally through networking, sharing of skills and knowledge as well as providing a platform for personal and professional development opportunities for our members.
Niamh Molloy Secretary
Niamh has worked for over 20 years in the field of pain management in both Jersey, in the Channel Islands and currently in University Waterford Hospital, Ireland. She has been a member of the pain management team in Waterford since 2008.
Her main areas of interest include: highlighting the importance of the assessment of pain as a key to managing pain, the education of health care professionals on the management of pain and the management chronic pain.
Niamh recently qualified as an Advanced Nurse Practitioner. She is currently the secretary for the Pain Nurse Network, is also a past president of the Irish Pain Nurses and Midwives Society and a member of the Irish Pain Society.
Martin Galligan RN, FHEA, MSc, PGCLTHE, PG.Cert Clin Res, BSc, NMP
Founder of Pain Nurse Network / Trustee
Martin Is a lecturer practitioner and Programme lead for Advanced Clinical Practice in Cancer Care MSc pathway at The Royal Marsden School. His background has been largely devoted towards pain management and has worked as both a clinical nurse specialist and lead nurse across acute, chronic, and complex cancer pain settings. He has a passion for cancer pain, pain education and development of pain services. In his previous role as Lead Nurse for Acute Pain services he was able to lead the team to win Acute Pain Team of the Year at the UK National Acute Pain Symposium 2018. He is the current chair and founder of the Pain Nurse Network and chair of RCN Pain and Palliative Care Forum. He is an elected member of the British Pain Society Pain Education Special Interest Group, and has been appointed to EFIC Academy board and a member of the EFIC Covid-19 task force and nursing working group.
His research interest is focused on knowledge and attitudes of healthcare professionals in relation to pain management. He has completed a pre-clinical academic fellowship awarded by the Royal Marsden Charity and is now undertaking doctoral studies at Kings College London exploring the needs of healthcare professionals when managing complex cancer pain.
Felicia Cox FRCN MSc RN Founder of Pain Nurse Network / Trustee
Felicia is a Nurse Consultant in Pain Management. She is a past Chair of RCN Pain and Palliative Care Forum and is a co-opted member of the Council of the British Pain Society Council. She is a committee member of the EFIC Covid Task Force and EFIC Research Strategy group, the IASP Acute Pian Special Interest Group and a founder member of the Pain Nurse Network.
Felicia is the co-editor of the British Journal of Pain. The breadth of her pain related publications spans the continuum from the Daily Telegraph to The Lancet with systematic reviews, chapters and books in between. She has also co-authored e-learning modules on pain and medicine safety and has contributed to several FPM publications.
She is an Honorary Lecturer at Kings College London. She has been awarded Honorary Membership of the British Pain Society and Fellowship of the RCN for her services to pain. Her clinical and research interests include chronic post surgical pain and procedural pain and enjoys supporting novice authors to publish and disseminate their work.
Suzanne Chapman RN MSc Treasurer
Suzanne is a senior clinical nurse specialist in pain management at Imperial healthcare in London. She has an extensive career in pain management with a specialist interest in cancer-related pain. Suzanne has been the treasurer for the Pain Nurse Network since its inception and has previously been the treasurer for the London Pain Interest Group. Suzanne is an honour lecturer at The Royal Marsden School and teaches on the cancer-related pain module.
She has extensive portfolio of publications focused on the care and management of cancer-related pain and is a regular expert speaker at national and international conferences.
Kelly Warfield RN council member
I have dedicated 18 years of my nursing practice specialising in pain management and it remains to be a passion of mine. I have worked in integrated pain services in the past, having moved to full time chronic pain 2 years ago. I am an enthusiastic, hardworking and patient centred Consultant Nurse bringing compassion into my everyday interaction with patients and staff members. Working at the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, I specialise in the management of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome and due to the nature of our inpatient programme we see some of the most complex pain presentations.
I have a proven interest in research, audit and quality improvement projects to further the field of nursing in pain management. having published articles and posters for presentation at conferences. Some of my interests, research and quality improvement projects include pathway transformations, primary care opioid clinics, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome and mindfulness based cognitive therapy.
I trained as a mindfulness teacher and have been accredited for 1 year. My specific research interests are mindfulness and chronic pain. I believe I am at a point in my career were I can be a role model for others wanting to pursue careers in pain management or for nurses at the beginning of their careers in pain management. It feels only like yesterday I was in that position myself.” I have just become a trainer for Live Well with Pain, joining the team has supported me to achieve the ultimate aim of spreading the word –empowering other health care professionals particularly in primary care to have self-management conversations early on in the patient journey with ‘skills not pills’ being one of ethos they go by. Working with expert patients to deliver this message has been a highlight for me.
Katie Anne McGreal Council member
My name is Katie Anne McGreal, Katie will do! I am a CNS in Pain Management for the Royal Marsden Hospital both Chelsea and Sutton sites, where I deal with Cancer related pain both in an inpatient and clinic setting. I have been working there since July 2019. Previously I worked in London North West University Healthcare NHS Trust as a CNS in Pain Management covering all 4 hospitals and a wide range of Pain related issues, from acute post surgical pain to IFU chronic pain. Before my CNS journey begun I spent many years in Northwick park hospital and the community training as a nurse and working as a qualified Nurse in Orthopaedics where my love for Pain Management began.
I am a fun, outgoing, Irish girl who loves socialising with family and friends and loves to travel. I am a Mum of 1 human child, 1 dog child and currently expecting our 2nd human this year.
I have been linked in with the Pain Nurse Network since starting at The Royal Marsden and have made great connections and learnt so much through this great network. I am very excited to get stuck in with supporting the network and continuing it’s amazing work.
Rachel Desai Council member
Rachel works with a dynamic team who are always keen to expand and share their knowledge with paediatric nurses across the region.
Rachel has worked at Birmingham Children’s Hospital since qualifying in 1996. She initially worked on a trauma ward where she developed her interest in pain management. Rachel started in the Pain Service in 2007 and became Lead Nurse in 2012, completing her Masters in Pain Management. Rachel is passionate about providing high quality holistic pain management to children and young people and supporting their families in the process. The Pain Service at Birmingham Children’s Hospital covers the whole Trust providing an acute pain service, a procedural pain management and sedation service, including weaning of sedation following long stays on intensive care, and also supports with palliation and end of life care.
Jincy Velutheppilly Council member